The Rediscovery of Bioethics
Die Wiederentdeckung der Bioethik
Scientific symposium to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the DRZE

Michael Hoch
Rector of the University of Bonn

Dirk Lanzerath
Head of the German Reference Centre for Ethics in the Life Sciences (DRZE)

16 September 2024
2 pm - 7 pm
17 September 2024
9 am - 5 pm
University of Bonn
Main Building · Festsaal
Am Hof 1 · 53113 Bonn
The founding of the German Reference Centre for Ethics in the Life Sciences (DRZE) in 1999 was a milestone for bioethical research in Germany. To celebrate its 25th anniversary, the DRZE is organizing an international scientific symposium in German and English.
In the face of new technologies such as genome editing or artificial intelligence, but also in conjunction with current ecological crises such as biodiversity loss, the discipline of bioethics once again appears to be highly topical. It is based on a philosophically guided consideration of the ethically informed treatment of living beings (bios), which includes various forms of living beings (human and non-human) as well as a variety of fields of practice (human medicine, agriculture, research, etc.) that have an impact on these. At the same time, the positive contribution of bioethics to solving social problems and regulatory issues is often limited.
Together with the speakers, philosophical and interdisciplinary perspectives on the challenges and potentials of bioethics will be presented and critically discussed. We would like to explore how bioethical research can continue to succeed in the future, offering both ethical guidance and measuring its own scientific activity against societal goals. We would therefore like to invite you to “rediscover bioethics”.
As a special highlight, we are looking forward to handing over the German translation of the bioethical reference work “Principles of Biomedical Ethics” (Beauchamp/Childress) completed at the DRZE to James Childress.

Vardit Ravitsky
President of The Hastings Center
The Rediscovery of Bioethics

David Archard
Emeritus Professor at the School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics, Queen’s University Belfast
Bioethics, Ethics, and Policy

James Childress
Professor Emeritus at the Center for Health Humanities and Ethics, University of Virginia
Connecting Principles to Cases: Reflections on Specification and Balancing

Hervé Chneiweiss
Chair of the Inserm Ethics Committee
Participation and Bioethics

Sarah Cunningham-Burley
Chair of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics
A Sociological View of Biopolitics and Bioethics

Ludger Honnefelder
Founding Director of the DRZE
On the foundation and development of the DRZE

Laura Palazzani
Member of the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies
Pluralism as a Moral Challenge

Wei Zhu
Professor at the Center for Applied Ethics, Fudan University, Shanghai
Bioethics: Developments in China
Book Launch
German translation of the Principles of Biomedical Ethics
with James Childress
Panel Discussion: The Interdisciplinary Challenge of Bioethics (German, with interpretation into English)

Medical Director of the University Hospital Bonn

Former Director of the DRZE and the Institute for Science and Ethics, University of Bonn

Head of the Department of Biodiversity of Plants, Bonn Institute for Organismic Biology, University of Bonn

Chair of the Central Ethics Committee at the German Medical Association

Director of the Center for Life Ethics, University of Bonn

Science Media Center Germany, Cologne
Panel Discussion: Bioethical Principles for the 21st Century

Former Head of the Research Ethics and Integrity Sector, European Commission

Chair of the Department of Research in Biomedicine and Health, University of Split

Chair of the Steering Committee for Human Rights in the fields of Biomedicine and Health, Council of Europe

Director of the Center for Ethics and Law in Biomedicine, Central European University, Budapest/Vienna

Professor at the Amsterdam Public Health Research Institute, Amsterdam University Medical Centers

Director of the Institute for Science and Ethics, University of Bonn

Rudolf Teuwsen
Former Managing Director of the DRZE