Normative justifications for sustainability: Theories of the good life

Theories of the good life are characterised by the fact that they establish conditions for what constitutes a good life for individuals of a certain species. As a rule, this also includes requirements for the living environment of the subject in question, which goes hand in hand with the fulfilment of basic needs. Ensuring the continued existence of such an environment in terms of sustainability can be derived as a central ethical requirement.

For further information see for instance:

Gough, I. (2017): Heat, Greed and Human Need: Climate Change, Capitalism and Sustainable Wellbeing. Cheltenham/Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing. 

Büchs, M. / Koch, M. (2017): Postgrowth and Wellbeing. Challenges to Sustainable Welfare. Cham: Pelgrave Macmillain. 

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