Agents in the field of greenwashing 

While greenwashing is initially associated with companies and agents in the business sector, a whole range of possible parties can be involved:

In addition to companies, PR agencies, business representatives and lobbyists, greenwashing can also involve paid opinion leaders in the academic sector like professors or experts, as well as state representatives like state organizations or institutions, politicians or media influencers.

A comprehensive overview of greenwashing and the possible agents involved can be found in:

Nemes, N. / Scanlan, S. J. / Smith P. / Smith T. / Aronczyk, M. / Hill, S. / Lewis, S. L. / Montgomery, A. W. / Tubiello, F. N. / Stabinsky, D. (2022): An integrated framework to assess greenwashing. In: Sustainability 14 (8), 4431. Online Version

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