
Where possible, research activities should take place in the countries providing the resources. This aims at providing an opportunity for resource-rich developing countries to participate not only in the indirect results of research projects, but also in the direct benefits arising from the establishment of research institutions in the region, such as macro-economic development, job creation, or infrastructure improvement.

For further information on the sharing of economic benefits from the utilisation of biological diversity, see:

Spranger, Tade (2008): Biodiversität und ihre Veränderung im Rahmen des Globalen Umweltwandels: Rechtliche Aspekte. (Biodiversity and its change in the context of global environmental change: legal aspects.) In: Lanzerath, Dirk / Mutke, Jens / Barthlott, Wilhelm / Baumgärtner, Stefan / Becker, Christian / Spranger, Tade M. (2008): Biodiversität. (Biodiversity.) Ethik in den Biowissenschaften - Sachstandsberichte des DRZE, Bd.5. (Series: Ethics in the life sciences - DRZE expert reports, vol. 5.) Freiburg i.B.: Alber, p. 123 et seq.

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