Programme: The Rediscovery of Bioethics

Die Wiederentdeckung der Bioethik

Scientific symposium to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the DRZE

16 - 17 September 2024
University of Bonn · Main Building · Festsaal
Am Hof 1 · 53113 Bonn

Monday, 16 September 2024


Introduction and Welcome by the Head of the German Reference Centre for Ethics in the Life Sciences (DRZE)
Prof. Dr. Dirk Lanzerath


Welcome by the Rector of the University
Magnificus Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Hoch


Welcome by the President of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Julia B. Bolles-Wilson


Welcome by the Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of Education and Research
Mario Brandenburg


Welcome by the Minister for Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
Ina Brandes


Welcome by the former Head of the Research Ethics and Integrity Sector of the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation
Dr. Isidoros Karatzas


Welcome by the Chair of the Steering Committee for Human Rights in the fields of Biomedicine and Health (CDBIO) at the Council of Europe
Prof. Dr. Siobhán O’Sullivan 


Welcome by the Chair of the Central Ethics Committee (ZEKO) at the German Medical Association
Prof. Dr. Dr. Eva Winkler


On the foundation and development of the DRZE
Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ludger Honnefelder 
Founding Director of the DRZE, University of Bonn


Keynote Lecture

The Rediscovery of Bioethics
Prof. Dr. Vardit Ravitsky
President of The Hastings Center


Coffee Break


Panel Discussion: The Interdisciplinary Challenge of Bioethics

German, with interpretation into English

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Holzgreve
Medical Director of the University Hospital Bonn

Prof. Dr. Dieter Sturma
Former Director of the DRZE and the Institute for Science and Ethics, University of Bonn

Prof. Dr. Maximilian Weigend 
Head of the Department of Biodiversity of Plants, Bonn Institute for Organismic Biology and Director of the Botanic Gardens, University of Bonn

Prof. Dr. Dr. Eva Winkler
Chair of the Central Ethics Committee (ZEKO) at the German Medical Association; Heidelberg University Hospital

Prof. Dr. Christiane Woopen 
Director of the Center for Life Ethics, University of Bonn

Chaired by Volker Stollorz
Science Media Center Germany, Cologne


Reception at the Senate Hall

Tuesday, 17 September 2024
European and International Challenges of Bioethics

Welcome by the Head of the Scientific Department of the DRZE
Dr. Aurélie Halsband 


Bioethics, Ethics, and Policy 
Prof. em. Dr. David Archard
The School of History, Anthropology,
Philosophy and Politics, Queen‘s University Belfast

Introduction by Prof. Dr. Bert Heinrichs
Institute for Science and Ethics, University of Bonn; former Head of the Scientific Department of the DRZE


Bioethics: Developments in China
Prof. Dr. Wei Zhu
Center for Applied Ethics, Fudan University, Shanghai

Introduction by Fabian Fischbach, M.A.
Research Associate, DRZE


Connecting Principles to Cases: Reflections on Specification and Balancing
Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. James Childress
Center for Health Humanities and Ethics, University of Virginia

Introduction by Dr. Roman Wagner
Research Associate, DRZE


Pluralism as a Moral Challenge
Prof. Dr. Laura Palazzani
European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies (EGE); LUMSA University, Rome

Introduction by Sandra Scholl, M.A.
Research Associate, DRZE


Coffee Break


Participation and Bioethics 
Prof. Dr. Hervé Chneiweiss
Chair of the Inserm Ethics Committee; Sorbonne University

Introduction by Dr. Marius Bartmann
Research Associate, DRZE


A Sociological View of Biopolitics and Bioethics 
Prof. Dr. Sarah Cunningham-Burley
Chair of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics; Usher Institute, The University of Edinburgh

Introducion by Elena Krämer-Nagelschmidt, M.A.
Research Associate, DRZE


Lunch Break


Handover of the German edition of the “Principles of Biomedical Ethics” to original author James Childress 


Panel Discussion: Bioethical Principles for the 21st Century

Dr. Isidoros Karatzas
Former Head of the Research Ethics and Integrity Sector, European Commission

Prof. Dr. Ana Marušić
Chair of the Department of Research in Biomedicine and Health, University of Split

Prof. Dr. Siobhán O’Sullivan
Chair of the Steering Committee for Human Rights in the fields of Biomedicine and Health (CDBIO), Council of Europe

Prof. Dr. Judit Sándor
Center for Ethics and Law in Biomedicine, Central European University, Budapest/Vienna; Hungarian National Research Ethics Council

Prof. Dr. Mariëtte van den Hoven
Professor at the Amsterdam Public Health Research Institute, Amsterdam University Medical Centers

Prof. Dr. Aimee van Wynsberghe
Director of the Institute for Science and Ethics, University of Bonn

Chaired by Dr. Rudolf Teuwsen
Former Managing Director of the DRZE


Open Discussion


Closing Remarks

Prof. Dr. Dirk Lanzerath
DRZE, University of Bonn


End of the Event

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