Collected Volumes & Monographs

Prinzipien der Bioethik
© Verlag Karl Alber

Prinzipien der Bioethik

Beauchamp, T. L., & Childress, J. F. (2024). Prinzipien der Bioethik (J. Pelger, Trans.; D. Lanzerath & A. Halsband, Eds.). Verlag Karl Alber.

This volume contains the first translation of the »Principles of Biomedical Ethics« into German. It is not only an easily read interdisciplinary textbook of medical ethics for health professions, but it is also a significant contribution to applied philosophical ethics. The approach developed by Tom L. Beauchamp and James F. Childress has been received worldwide since the first edition and by now surpasses that edition’s application of principles for issues in medical ethics. The theoretical model based on principles reacts systematically to the upheavals in medical science that became only too clear in the early 20th century. In these times, medical ethics lacked a systematic philosophical reflection, especially an overarching approach that proved to be equally acceptable, compatible and practical from various ethical theories’ perspectives. Traditionally, medical practice was characterised by ist orientation towards a doctoral ethos and therefore tended to be informed by virtue ethics. Now, deontological or utilitarian patterns increasingly incorporate themselves ad hoc or intuitively into the presented arguments meant for the moral judgement of singular cases or situations of modern medicine. However, in this period of upheaval in medicine and medical ethics, convincing attempts at combining the different ethical theories and traditions or at resolving contradictions were not discernible yet. In light of this, this volume fills the described gap. Starting with the first edition in 1979, the authors have been continuing to develop their model up to the 2019 edition. [more]


Medizinische Forschung und COVID-19

Lanzerath, D. & Graf von Kielmansegg, S. (Eds.). (2024). Medizinische Forschung und COVID-19: Strukturelle Herausforderungen für Deutschland. LIT.

Research has not only contributed on many levels to overcoming the crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic, but it also plays an important role in the endemic phase after the pandemic in coming to terms with what has been experienced and missed. Nevertheless, critical questions must also be asked about research. This is because many fields have not been worked on intensively enough, data has been missing or incorrectly processed for some areas, interdisciplinary collaboration has not always been clever, and time pressure has led to violations of good scientific practice. Against this background, this volume from the Medical Ethics series reflects critically and on an interdisciplinary level on the experiences of medical research during the COVID-19 crisis. [more]

Der Maßstab der Autonomie
© brill | mentis

Der Maßstab der Autonomie

Wagner, R. (2023).  Der Maßstab der Autonomie. Brill | mentis.

The main thesis of the text is this: Human self-determination is subject to a standard that is equally valid for every person. This Kantian thought connects autonomy and ethics. The moralized understanding of autonomy stands in opposition to individualistic notions which can be found in medical ethics. The book presents both ethical as well as conceptual reasons for this understanding. [more]

Bioeconomy and Sustainability
© Springer Nature

Bioeconomy and Sustainability

Lanzerath, D., Schurr, U., Pinsdorf, C. & Stake, M. (Eds.). (2022). Bioeconomy and Sustainability: Perspectives from Natural and Social Sciences, Economics and Ethics. Springer.

In this edited volume, scientists from different disciplines discuss modern biotechnological processes and a knowledge-based bioeconomy. The authors base their arguments on ecological, economic, legal, social and ethical aspects. Moreover, they explore the opportunities, risks, and challenges of bioeconomic concepts and biotechnologies in many subject areas. The chapters consider land use, nature and environment, nutrition, technology and governance, energy, economy, law and regulation, as well as ethics. A special focus should be on new technologies and how they can be used, without compromising the ambitious goal of creating a more sustainable, but also fair world.

To do justice to this broad array of topics, the editors frame all topics in overarching introductions and close the volume with final conclusions. Thereby this volume offers data and critical thoughts for any member of a Bioeconomy – be it from academia, the industry or public regulation. [more]

Natur Ethik und Ästhetik
© brill | mentis

Natur, Ethik und Ästhetik

Sturma, D. (Ed.). (2022). Natur, Ethik und Ästhetik. brill | mentis.

The expression “nature” has seen revisions since its beginning in the Ionian philosophy, with changes both in the differentiation of its content and the hierarchisations of abstractions. This complexity is anything but semantically unfortunate. The conceptual changes reflect the place of the human life form in nature and its epistemic, ethical and aesthetic attitudes towards nature. The contributions discuss the various aspects of the human relationship to nature. [more]

© Palgrave Macmillan

Wittgenstein's Metametaphysics and the Realism-idealism Debate

Bartmann, M. (2021). Wittgenstein's Metametaphysics and the Realism-idealism Debate. Palgrave Macmillan.

This book develops a new Wittgenstein interpretation called Wittgenstein’s Metametaphysics. The basic idea is that one major strand in Wittgenstein’s early and later philosophy can be described as undermining the dichotomy between realism and idealism. The aim of this book is to contribute to a better understanding of the relation between language and reality and to open up avenues of dialogue to overcome deep divides in the research literature. In the course of developing a comprehensive and in-depth interpretation, the author provides fresh and original analyses of the latest issues in Wittgenstein scholarship and gives new answers to both major exegetical and philosophical problems. This makes the book an illuminating study for scholars and advanced students alike. [more]

The Developement

The Development of Medical Devices - Ethical, Legal and Methodological Impacts of the EU Medical Device Regulation

Lanzerath, D., Graf von Kielmansegg, S. & Hasford, J. (Eds.). (2020). The Development of Medical Devices: Ethical, Legal and Methodological Impacts of the EU Medical Device Regulation. LIT.

Med­ical devices include objects, sub­stances and soft­ware that are used for ther­a­peu­tic or diag­nos­tic pur­poses for humans. How­ever, the main intended effect, in con­trast to med­i­c­i­nal prod­ucts, is not pri­mar­ily phar­ma­co­log­i­cal, meta­bolic or immuno­log­i­cal, but usu­ally phys­i­cal or physic­o­chem­i­cal. The inno­va­tion cycles for many mod­ern implantable med­ical devices are esti­mated to be about 18 months, for soft­ware even shorter. It is obvi­ous that the eval­u­a­tion of the per­for­mance, the effec­tive­ness, the ben­e­fits and risks of a med­ical devices is very dif­fer­ent com­pared to med­i­c­i­nal prod­ucts. The recent EU- Regulation on med­ical devices asks for very require­ments regard­ing the sys­tem­atic eval­u­a­tion of med­ical devices in humans and the pro­ce­dures for grant­ing the CE mark. The recent vol­ume of the series MED­ICAL ETHICS addresses the eth­i­cal, legal, method­olog­i­cal, and prac­ti­cal chal­lenges aris­ing from the Reg­u­la­tion regard­ing the devel­op­ment and use of med­ical devices. [more]

Ethics of Research

Ethics of Research Involving Minors

Lanzerath, D. & Rietschel, M. (Eds.). (2018). Ethics of Research Involving Minors: A European Perspective. LIT.

Research involv­ing minors is an area of con­tro­versy within med­ical ethics and med­ical law. Minors rep­re­sent a vul­ner­a­ble group, for whom par­tic­u­lar pro­tec­tive mea­sures are required and who should be excluded from research that does not offer the prospect of direct ben­e­fit. How­ever, the exclu­sion of minors from research into dis­or­ders of rel­e­vance to their age group pre­cludes the poten­tial for ben­e­fi­cial med­ical advances. Fur­ther­more, effec­tive pre­ven­tion strate­gies for com­mon med­ical con­di­tions with an ori­gin in child­hood and ado­les­cence, such as men­tal dis­or­ders, require the delin­eation of those who are at increased risk. This vol­ume con­sid­ers the eth­i­cal chal­lenges of research with minors for the researchers, but also for the involved research ethics com­mit­tees. In par­tic­u­lar, it reflects how minors can be more involved in the decision- making- processes and reports about the expe­ri­ences in con­duct­ing the Euro­pean mul­ti­cen­tric research project IMAGEMEND. [more]


Forschungsethik und klinische Forschung

Lanzerath, D. (Ed.). (2016). Forschungsethik und klinische Forschung: Zur Debatte um die EU-​Verordnung zu klinischen Studien. LIT.

Die neue EU- Verordnung für die Neuregelung der klin­is­chen Prü­fung mit Arzneimit­teln wird von vie­len Beobachtern als ein Rückschritt in der Kod­i­fizierung der medi­zinis­chen Forschung ange­se­hen. Ger­ade durch die in ihr auszu­machende Mar­gin­al­isierung von Ethik- Kommissionen wird ein gewichtiges proze­du­rales Prinzip geschwächt. Der vor­liegende Band möchte aus inter­diszi­plinärer Per­spek­tive zum Diskurs über die Entste­hungs­geschichte, die prak­tis­chen Auswirkun­gen sowie die ethis­chen Her­aus­forderun­gen der EU- Verordnung beitragen. [more]

Konkrete Nachhaltigkeit
© Nomos

Konkrete Nachhaltigkeit

Halsband, A. (2016). Konkrete Nachhaltigkeit: Welche Natur wir für zukünftige Generationen erhalten sollten. Nomos.

Die Forderung nach mehr Nachhaltigkeit wird häufig mit Verweis auf die Lebensbedingungen zukünftiger Generationen begründet. Dabei bleibt oft unterbestimmt, was daraus konkret folgt. Hier setzt die Analyse an und fragt angesichts des gegenwärtigen Rückgangs der Biodiversität, welche Natur für Zukünftige erhalten werden sollte. Eine Antwort ergibt sich mit Bezug auf allgemeine Voraussetzungen für ein gutes Leben. Entlang von menschlichen Funktionsfähigkeiten (capabilities) werden die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen biodiverser Natur und einem guten Leben herausgearbeitet. Eingebettet in einen Ansatz sozialer Gerechtigkeit leiten sich hieraus Erhaltungspflichten ab, die auf den Bereich intergenerationeller Gerechtigkeit ausgeweitet werden. Schrittweise entsteht ein Leitfaden, der wesentliche gesellschaftliche Entscheidungen im Kontext der Biodiversitätsbedrohung und der intergenerationellen Gerechtigkeit strukturiert und so die Reichweite des staatlichen Nachhaltigkeitsauftrags darlegt. [more]

Handbuch Bioethik
© Springer-Verlag

Handbuch Bioethik

Sturma, D. & Heinrichs, B. (Eds.). (2015). Handbuch Bioethik. Metzler.

On the boundary issues of life. Bioethics - a subject of intense debate in the scientific discourse and of controversial discussions in the general public. The handbook explains the basics and gives an overview of areas where bioethical issues are relevant, such as human dignity, life, death and disease. Additionally, it addresses specific bioethical issues such as the permissibility of euthanasia, preimplantation diagnostics or embryonic stem cell research and indicates the interfaces of bioethics with other disciplines and societal spheres (bioethics in teaching, biopolitics, biolaw and ethics committees). [more]

© Routledge

Concepts and Values in Biodiversity

Lanzerath, D. & Friele, M. (Eds.). (2014). Concepts and Values in Biodiversity. Routledge.

Biodiversity may refer to the diversity of genes, species or ecosystems in general. These varying concepts of biodiversity occasionally lead to conflicts among researchers and policy makers, as each of them require a customized type of protection strategy. This book addresses the questions surrounding the merits of conserving an existing situation, evolutionary development or the intentional substitution of one genome, species or ecosystem for another. Any practical steps towards the protection of biodiversity demand a definition of that which is to be protected and, in turn, the motivations for protecting biodiversity. Is biodiversity a necessary model which is also useful, or does it carry intrinsic value? Debates like this are particularly complex when interested parties address it from different conceptual and moral perspectives. Comprised of three parts, each complemented by a short introductory paragraph, this collection presents a variety of approaches to this challenge. [more]

Incidental findings
© Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag

Incidental Findings

Lanzerath, D., Heinrichs, B., Rietschel, M. & Schmäl, C. (Eds.). (2013). Incidental Findings: Scientific, Legal and Ethical Issues. Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag.

Der weit ver­bre­it­ete Ein­satz von bildgeben­den Ver­fahren in Forschung­spro­jek­ten wirft im Bere­ich der Bioethik Fra­gen und Prob­leme auf, beson­ders im Hin­blick auf „Zufalls­be­funde“ (engl. inci­den­tal find­ings). Auf­grund fehlen­der ein­heitlicher Richtlin­ien in Europa zum Umgang mit Zufalls­be­fun­den, befasst sich dieses Band mit der Frage, wie mit pathol­o­gis­chen Befun­den umge­gan­gen wer­den soll, die im Kon­text von Forschung­spro­jek­ten „zufäl­lig“ bei (ver­meintlich) gesun­den Proban­den erhoben wer­den. Die Inhalte sind z.T. in englis­cher Sprache ver­fasst. Der Anhang des Ban­des umfasst die Doku­men­ta­tion der 30. Jahresver­samm­lung des Arbeit­skreises Medi­zinis­cher Ethik- Kommissionen in der Bun­desre­pub­lik Deutsch­land e.V. sowie das Manuskript von Herrn Prof. Raspe und Frau Dr. Hüppe zum Thema „Zum Selb­stver­ständ­nis einer medi­zinis­chen Forschungsethikkommission“. [more]


Bioethik im Kontext von Recht, Moral und Kultur


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Klonen in biomedizinischer Forschung und Reproduktion


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Das genetische Wissen und die Zukunft des Menschen


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Krankheit und ärztliches Handeln
© Karl Alber

Krankheit und ärztliches Handeln

Lanzerath, D. (2000). Krankheit und ärztliches Handeln: Zur Funktion des Krankheitsbegriffs in der medizinischen Ethik. Verlag Karl Alber.

Die zu ethischen Irritationen führenden Erweiterungen der Handlungsmöglichkeiten innerhalb der modernen Medizin werfen die Frage nach dem Krankheitsbegriff und seiner handlungsleitenden Funktion in signifikanter Weise neu auf. Die Rekonstruktion des Krankheitsbegriffs in seiner Verwiesenheit auf Natur, Gesellschaft und Subjekt erschließt zum einen sein Verhältnis zu anderen Schlüsselbegriffen wie Gesundheit, Lebensqualität sowie Behinderung und zeigt zum anderen die Integration verschiedener Aspekte und Bezüge in die Einheit eines praktischen Begriffs und Urteils. Ein so entwickelter Krankheitsbegriff orientiert sich daran, Kranksein als eine Weise des Menschseins so zu fassen, dass die kommunikative Komponente des seine Befindlichkeit mitteilenden Menschen wesentlich zur Konstitution von Krankheit gehört. Dabei erweist sich der Arzt als jene Instanz, die dem um Selbstauslegung bemühten Kranken nicht nur im engeren Sinne therapeutische, sondern auch - gegen technizistische Verkürzungen - hermeneutische Hilfestellung gibt. [more]

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