Ethics in the Life Sciences – DRZE Expert Reports
The series ‘Ethics in the Life Sciences – DRZE Expert Reports’ offers in-depth reports on the state-of-the-art in ethics in the life sciences. Thus it is aimed at presenting current issues of life sciences in a scientifically profound way and to make them accessible to interdisciplinary and social discourse.
If required by the subject, the ethical comment will be completed by a medical, or scientific, as well as by a legal part. A scientific bibliography provides material for further examination.
The scientific department of the DRZE is responsible for content and edition of the contributions to this series, which are written by the staff of the scientific department of the DRZE, the Institute of Science and Ethics (IWE), as well as by external experts of the medical sciences, the life sciences, jurisprudence and ethics. The DRZE directorial and the advisory committees support the series in scientific issues.
The series’ first volume was published by the DRZE; volume two and subsequent issues are published at Karl Alber Verlag.
The volumes 5, 8, 16 to 20 and 22 are freely available in bonndoc.
The volumes 21 and 23 to 26 are freely accessible in the Nomos eLibrary.
At present, the following volumes are available:
- Vol. 26: Climate Justice (2023, open access)
- Vol. 25: Die Generierung von künstlichen Keimzellen (2023, open access)
- Vol. 24: Bildgebung in den Neurowissenschaften (2023, open access)
- Vol. 23: Demenz (2022, open access)
- Vol. 22: Big Data in der Medizin (2020, open access)
- Vol. 21: Neuroenhancement (2022, open access)
- Vol. 20: Synthetische Biologie (2020, open access)
- Vol. 19: Humanbiobanken (2019, open access)
- Vol. 18: Tiefe Hirnstimulation (2016, open access)
- Vol. 17: Tiere in der Forschung (2016, open access)
- Vol. 16: Altern (2017, open access)
- Vol. 15: Gentherapie (2013)
- Vol. 14: Islamische Positionen zum pränatalen Leben (2012. 2nd ed., 2016)
- Vol. 13: Gentechnik in der Lebensmittelproduktion (2011)
- Vol. 12: Forschung mit Minderjährigen (2010)
- Vol. 11: Patientenverfügungen (2010)
- Vol. 10: Präimplantationsdiagnostik (2009)
- Vol. 9: Embryonenforschung in Japan, Korea und China (2008)
- Vol. 8: Sterbehilfe (2009, open access)
- Vol. 7: Organtransplantation (2008)
- Vol. 6: Aufbringung und Verteilung von Mitteln für das Gesundheitswesen (2007)
- Vol. 5: Biodiversität (2008, open access)
- Vol. 4: Stammzellforschung (2007)
- Vol. 3: Präimplantationsdiagnostik, Embryonenforschung, Klonen (2007)
- Vol. 2: Prädiktive genetische Testverfahren (2006)
- Vol. 1: Enhancement (2002)
Further volumes are planned.