Medizinisch-naturwissenschaftliche, rechtliche und ethische Aspekte
Ethics in the Life Sciences – Expert reports by the DRZE; Volume 15
Christopher Baum / Gunnar Duttge / Michael Fuchs
Under the responsibility of the German Reference Centre for Ethics in the Life Sciences published by Dieter Sturma, Dirk Lanzerath and Bert Heinrichs.
The term "gene therapy" denotes therapeutic methods, which insert alien genes into human somatic cells or tissue. Through the development of gene therapy, new medical procedures become available for the treatment of severe diseases. However, gene therapy is still an experimental method the application of which may have serious side effects. Relevant ethical, legal and scientific debates show no consensus yet, which criteria are to be considered for the evaluation of gene therapy. The present report pictures the medical-scientific, legal and ethical basics on the subject.

ISBN: 978-3-495-48593-4
Publisher: Verlag Karl Alber, Freiburg
Year of publication: 2013
Price: € 18,- (paperback)
Pages: 128, German (21,4 x 13,9 cm)