Medizinische, rechtliche und ethische Aspekte
Ethics in the Life Sciences – Expert reports by the DRZE; Volume 7
Jan P. Beckmann / Günter Kirste / Hans-Ludwig Schreiber
Published by the DRZE – German Reference Centre for Ethics in the Life Sciences under the responsibility of Dieter Sturma and Dirk Lanzerath
The transplantation of organs, body parts, tissues and cells has become a core medical technique to save the lives or to reduce the suffering of patients. In the case of organ transplantation ethical judgment formation is confronted with a practice that has made significant progress over the last years and that is widely accepted both from persons concerned as well as from the public in general. However, a number of practical, legal and ethical questions are still subject to clarification. The present volume, based on the state of the discussion as of spring 2008, presents the essential medical, legal and ethical issues of organ transplantation and suggests options for problem solving.

ISBN: 978-3-495-48344-2
Publisher: Verlag Karl Alber, Freiburg
Year of publication: 2008
Pages: 160, German (21,4 x 13,9 cm)
The volume is out of print.