IPBES work program up to 2030
The second work program was adopted in May 2019 in Paris at the seventh plenary session (IPBES-7) and replaces the work program for the period 2014-2018. The flexible and demand-driven approach (“rolling program”) allows the program to be adapted and oriented according to research and information requirement. The key objectives adopted in the founding resolution have been incorporated into the new program in a cross-sectional manner. These objectives include the following aspects:
- The creation of capacity and funding opportunities.
- Identifying and prioritising necessary scientific key information by political decision-makers as well as intensifying the generation of new knowledge by seeking dialogue with scientific organizations, policy-makers and foundations, among others, but without carrying out own research.
- The collection assessments on the state of knowledge in the areas of biodiversity, ecosystem services and their interlinkage at sub-regional, regional and global level on a regular basis.
- The communication and evaluation of IPBES activities, deliverables and research results (e.g. in form of assessments) in order to support policy-makers in implementing them.
In addition to the basic tasks, the work program up to 2030 focuses on three independent and overlapping topics which should strengthen the science-policy interface on biodiversity and eco system services. Each of these will be considered from a specific perspective: The first objective (“objective A”) gives particular weight to the conservation and sustainable use of life on land as well as under water and the simultaneous achievement of sustainability goals. The second objective (“objective B”) embodies the 2050 vision of biodiversity. The vision states that biodiversity should be valued, conserved, restored and used wisely until 2050. In addition, both a healthy planet and the associated essential profits for human health and well-being are to be preserved. Finally, the third objective (“objective C”) covers the sustainable use of life on land and under water in the context of climate change, which is to be mitigated and adapted through nature-based solutions.
Each of these objectives is supported by several work packages and task forces. In addition to capacity building and funding, this will strengthen the communication between science, politics and productive sectors. Furthermore, thematic assessments will also be collected and knowledge will be mobilised. Besides, based on the experience of the previous work program, certain activities have proved useful in achieving the objectives. This includes working with local or rather indigenous knowledge, using scenarios as well as models, and communicating with stakeholders. Both work packages and activities are related to the four basic tasks of IPBES (assessment, policy support, capacity building and communication). Finally, contact will continue to be sought with governments, particularly through the “National Focal Points”, the four agencies of the United Nations (including the UN Environment Program and the UN Development Program), strategic partners and a larger number of partnership supporters, who contribute through their own work.
Official IPBES website. Online Version
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