Key drivers of biodiversity loss
The key drivers of biodiversity loss are: diminution and degradation of habitats, overexploitation of soils, introduction of non-native species, general environmental pollution, and climate change.
For more detailed information on biodiversity loss, please see the DRZE expert report "Biodiversity" (p. 91 et seq.) and the study results of the Millenium Ecosystem Assessment.
Mutke, Jens / Barthlott, Wilhelm (2008): Biodiversität und ihre Veränderung im Rahmen des Globalen Umweltwandels: Biologische Aspekte. (Biodiversity and its change in the context of global environmental change: biological aspects.) In: Lanzerath, Dirk / Mutke, Jens / Barthlott, Wilhelm / Baumgärtner, Stefan / Becker, Christian / Spranger, Tade M. (2008): Biodiversität. (Biodiversity.) Ethik in den Biowissenschaften - Sachstandsberichte des DRZE, Bd.5. (Series: Ethics in the life sciences - DRZE expert reports, vol. 5). Freiburg i.B.: Alber.
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005): Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: Synthesis Report. Washington DC: Island Press. Online Version1
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005): Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: Biodiversity Synthesis. A Report of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Washington DC: Island Press. Online Version2