Land grabbing

Land grabbing refers to the seizing of land based on human rights violations or the lack of consent of land users.

For further information see, for example:

Borras, S. M. / Hall, R. / Scoones, I. / White, B. / Wolford, W. (2011): Towards a better understanding of global land grabbing: an editorial introduction. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 38:2, 209–216.

Kirst, S. (2022): Umkämpfter Zugang zu Land. Land grabbing, Konflikte und die Rolle traditioneller Autoritäten in Ghana. Bielefeld: transcript. (German)

Vigil, S. (2022): Land grabbing and migration in a changing climate. Comparative perspectives from Senegal and Cambodia. London/New York: Routledge.

Dominguez, L. / Luoma, C. (2020): Decolonising conservation policy: how colonial land and conservation ideologies persist and perpetuate indigenous injustices at the expense of the environment. Land 9, 65.

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