Criminal responsibility

A person's dementia is not a general reason for his or her diminished responsibility. As with other reasons for a possible diminished responsibility, Sections 20-21 StGB provide for a case-specific analysis in proceedings against persons suffering from dementia that aims to assess whether there are reasons for reduced or annulled criminal responsibility. In this context, a psychiatric assessment is carried out to determine whether the person's capacity for reasoning or control is impaired. If this is affirmed in the respective individual case of a person suffering from dementia as a consequence of the illness, this can influence the interpretation of criminal responsibility.

See for the relevant legal regulations:

Bundesministerium der Justiz. Strafgesetzbuch (StGB). Grundlagen der Strafbarkeit. Online Version (German)

Further Information:

Gertz, H.-J. (2015): Demenz, Wahn und bloßes Altsein: Regeln und Besonderheiten der Schuldfähigkeitsbegutachtung älterer Straftäter. In: Kunz, F. / Gertz, H.-J. (eds.): Straffälligkeit älterer Menschen. Interdisziplinäre Beiträge aus Forschung und Praxis. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 167-192, especially 180. (German)

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