Dementia and the continuity of the person

For a systematic overview of theoretical approaches that link a person's continued existence to psychological connections to the past, see the pertinent description in:

Parfit, D. (1984). Reasons and Persons. Oxford University Press, esp. 204–209.

Cf. on approaches in which the continuity of persons is determined by physical or neuronal criteria, e.g:

Fuchs, T. (2018). Leiblichkeit und personale Identität in der Demenz. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 66(1), 48–61, esp. 58.

Mc Mahan, J. (2002). The Ethics of Killing. Problems at the Margins of Life. Oxford University Press, esp. 66–69.

Cf. for further reading on the question of how the problem of continuity of dementia patients relates to the question of the binding force of their living wills:

Schmidhuber, M. (2013). Überlegungen zu den Grenzen der Patientenverfügung für die Selbstbestimmung von Demenzbetroffenen im Anschluss die Dworkin-Dresser-Debatte. In J. S. Ach (Eds.), Grenzen der Selbstbestimmung in der Medizin (pp. 317–334, esp. 324 f.). 

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