Ethics of Research on Children: State of the Debate

Kopelman, Grodin and Glantz, Maio, Heinrichs, Dahl and Wiesemann, for example, provide an overview of the discussion. An overview of the specialist literature is provided by the bibliography Ethical and Legal Aspects on Clinical Trials with Children, compiled in October 2004 by the members of the European Information Network Ethics in Medicine and Biotechnology.

Kopelman, Loretta M. (1995): Article "Children: III. Health-Care and Research Issues". In: Reich, Warren T. (ed.): Encyclopedia of Bioethics. Revised Edition. Volume 1. New York: Macmillan, 357-368.

Kopelman, Loretta M. (2000): Children as Research Subjects: A Dilemma. In: Journal of medicine and Philosophy 25(6), 745-764. 

Grodin, Michael A. /Glantz, Leonhard H. (eds.) (1994): Children as Research Subjects. Science, Ethics, and Law. New York: Oxford University Press.

Maio, Giovanni (2002): Ethik der Forschung am Menschen. Zur Begründung der Moral in ihrer historischen Bedingtheit. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: frommann-holzboog (Medizin und Philosophie 6). (German)

Heinrichs, Bert (2006): Forschung am Menschen. Elemente einer ethischen Theorie biomedizinischer Humanexperimente. Berlin: de Gruyter (Studien zu Wissenschaft und Ethik 3). (German)

Dahl, Matthias / Wiesemann, Claudia (2001): Forschung an Minderjährigen im internationalen Vergleich: Bilanz und Zukunftsperspektiven. In: Ethik in der Medizin 13(1/2) 87-110. (German)

Wiesemann, Claudia (2005): Ethische Probleme und rechtliche Regelung der Forschung an Kindern und Jugendlichen. In: Zeitschrift für medizinische Ethik 51, 129-138. (German)

Preston, J., Stones, S. R., Davies, H., Preston, J., & Phillips, B. (2019). How to involve children and young people in what is, after all, their research. Archives of disease in childhood, 104(5), 494–500.

Jeremic, V., Sénécal, K., Borry, P., Chokoshvili, D., & Vears, D. F. (2016). Participation of Children in Medical Decision-Making: Challenges and Potential Solutions. Journal of bioethical inquiry, 13(4), 525–534.

Ross L. F. (2020). The Ethical Limits of Children's Participation in Clinical Research. The Hastings Center report, 50(4), 12–13.

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