The Ramsey-McCormick Debate
Paul Ramsey und Richard McCormick have exchanged views on the issue of the ethical acceptability of research conducted on children for the benefit of others in a number of publications. Maio 2002 provides a good survey of the Ramsey-McCormick debate.
McCormick, R. A. (1974). Proxy Consent in the Experimentation Situation. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 18(1), 2–20.
McCormick, R. A. (1976). Experimentation in Children: Sharing Sociality. Hastings Center Report, 6(6), 41–46.
Ramsey, P. (1976). The enforcement of morals: nontherapeutic research on children. Hastings Center Report, 6(4), 21–30.
Ramsey, P. (1977). Children as Research Subjects: A Reply. Hastings Center Report, 7(2), 40–42.
A summary of the Ramsey-McCormick debate can be found at:
Maio, G. (2002). Ethik der Forschung am Menschen. Zur Begründung der Moral in ihrer historischen Bedingtheit (Medizin und Philosophie 6). frommann-holzboog.