German Ethics Council

The German Ethics Council (until February 2008 The National Ethics Council) was founded as a response to the “Law on Establishment of the German Ethics Council” (Ethics Council Act EthRG) that came into force in August 2007. According to § 4 EthRG the Ethics Council shall be composed of twenty-six members specialised in scientific, medical, theological, philosophical, ethical, social, economic and legal concerns, and hence intended to guarantee a pluralist spectrum of opinion. According to § 2 EthRG, the German Ethics Council shall pursue questions of ethics, society, science, medicine and law and the probable consequences for the individual and society that could occur in connection with research and development, in particular in the field of the life sciences and their application to humanity. The duties of the Ethics Council include informing the public and encouraging discussion in society by involving various social groups; preparing Opinions and recommendations for political and legislative action, and the cooperation with national ethics councils and comparable institutions of other states and of international organisations.

For further information see the website of the German Ethics Council. Online Version

Statement by the German Ethics Council "Brain Death and Decision on Organ Donation" (24.02.2015). Online Version (German)

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