Continuity Argument

According to the continuity argument, the development of an embryo into a born human being progresses so continuously that it is impossible to distinguish clear-cut breaks that could then be used to justify a change in moral status. The dignity of a grown person therefore also goes back to the early embryo and, according to this argument, must be afforded to the early embryo.

Different Positions can be found in:

Holm, S. (1996). The Moral Status of the Pre-Personal Human being. The Argument From Potential Reconsidered. In Evans, D. (Ed.). Conceiving the Embryo. Ethics, Law and Practice in Human Embryology. Brill | Nijhoff.

Singer, P. & Dawson, K. (1990). IVF Technology and the Argument from Potential. In Peter Singer et al. (ed.), Embryo Experimentation. Ethical, Legal and Social Issues. Cambridge University Press.

Ford, N. M. (1988). When did I begin? Conception of the human individual in history, philosophy and science. Cambridge University Press.

Brock, D. W. (2006). Is a consensus possible on stem cell research? Moral and political obstacles. In Journal of Medical Ethics 32(1), 36-42. 

Strong, C. (2006). Preembryo Personhood: An Assessment of the President’s Council Arguments. In Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 27(5), 433-453.

Mauron, A. & Baertschi, B. (2004). The European Embryonic Stem-Cell Debate and the Difficulties of Embryological Kantianism. In Journal of Medicine and Philosophy: A Forum for Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine 29(5), 563-581.

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