The Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights of 11 November, 1997, proclaims i.a. the following principles:
"A. Human dignity and the human genome
Article 1
The human genome underlies the fundamental unity of all members of the human family, as well as the recognition of their inherent dignity and diversity. In a symbolic sense, it is the heritage of humanity.
Article 2
(a) Everyone has a right to respect for their dignity and for their rights regardless of their genetic characteristics.
(b) That dignity makes it imperative not to reduce individuals to their genetic characteristics and to respect their uniqueness and diversity.
Article 3
The human genome, which by its nature evolves, is subject to mutations. It contains potentialities that are expressed differently according to each individual’s natural and social environment, including the individual’s state of health, living conditions, nutrition and education.
Article 4
The human genome in its natural state shall not give rise to financial gains." (UNESCO 1997)
For the original text of the declaration see:
UNESCO (1997). Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights. https://www.unesco.org/en/legal-affairs/universal-declaration-human-genome-and-human-rights
UNESCO (1997). Allgemeine Erklärung über das menschliche Genom und Menschenrechte. https://www.unesco.de/sites/default/files/2018-03/1997_Allgemeine_Erkl%C3%A4rung_%C3%BCber_das_%20menschliche_Genom_und_Menschenrechte.pdf