Modules Arguments for Protecting the Dignity of the Early Embryo Worthiness of Protection of the Human Embryo: Basic Positions Ad Hoc Recommendation of German Ethics Council on Treatment with Induced Stem Cells Alternative methods for the derivation of human embryonic stem cells The German Embryo Protection Act Embryonic transfer after IVF Embryo Donation Early Embryonic Development Tissue Replacement from Adult Stem Cells Derivation of human embryonic stem cells Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 In-vitro-Fertilisation (IVF) In vitro gametogenesis (IVG) iPS Research Disease Models Testing Drugs Organoids Supporters and Opponents of the Derivation of Stem Cells from So-called Surplus Embryos Reprogramming of cells Statement by the Leopoldina 1 2 Next 7 items >