Beyond Pure Performance: An Ethical Framework for the Use of AI in Neuromedicine
The joint project FRAIM is part of the BMBF funding measure "Research on Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects (ELSA) of Digitalisation, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Health Research and Care". The aim of this measure is to investigate the effects of the new technologies on science and society and to work towards a socially accepted and responsible framework for their use. The aim of the FRAIM network is to provide an evaluation framework for the assessment of AI procedures used in medical diagnostics and decision-making. To this end, detailed ethical and legal analyses are being conducted on the acceptance of and trust in AI-based procedures in the field of neuromedicine.

Subproject at the DRZE:
Ethical Analysis
Funded by:
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Funding code: 01GP2113D
Funding period:
2021 - 2024
Project website: